#writemoreletters (May 7)

We’d like to thank everyone who came out and supported the launching of our campaign to #writemoreletters last May 7, 2017. Thank you also for allowing us to share with you our humble space. You’re always welcome to slow things down with us.

While there’s no substitute to the real thing, here are some points that attempt to briefly encapsulate what transpired during the 2nd installment of Testify’s value-based sharing event, Testify Talks.

“In this age of immediacy, writing a letter is a soft act of rebellion.” – Camille Pilar

Contrary to popular belief, writing letters is not only confined to lovers, as emphasised by Camille, it could even be just a note to your past, present, and future self. During the talk, we realised how it could serve as a personal reminder especially how forgetful people are. It’s also a pleasant act of meditation that helps funnel our thoughts. In return, Camille quoted how writing a letter could be used as a device that helps us become a better person by being gentler. This is made powerful when she said, “how can you be mad and start your letter with dear…”.  Letter helps us filter what we truly wanted to say and as an effect teaches us sincerity.

Camille ended her very inspiring and convincing talk by reading a letter she wrote: Dear Manila. This was to be followed by Wenj, who explained how the campaign works: envelopes with return addresses to Testify and blank papers are provided in the shop which guests may use. So after writing a letter, drop it in our personalised mailbox and we’ll help send it straight to the recipient of the letter.

Ralph closed the event by sharing a personal story about the many letters he wrote after losing their mom, letters which she will never get to receive contained with words she will never get to read. It is through this chapter in his life that #writemoreletters was born. It is his hope to encourage one another not to wait until it’s too late to tell someone how we appreciate them or just simply thank them for what they’ve done for us through a letter they might keep and help be reminded of.

The night couldn’t be more pleasant and heartwarming especially seeing people quickly heeding the call to #writemoreletters right after the talk. It makes us even more excited to send these letters out for you. As mentioned during the event, the mailbox will be in the shop for as long as you we can sustain it. So feel free to pop-in during the shop’s operating hours to drop your letters. Your support is very vital to the sustainability of the campaign.

Thanks again for joining us and we hope to see you again on the next Testify Talks.

Special thanks to Sam Lucas for also writing about the event in her blog. You may check her article here: https://www.speakoutsam.com/samply/2017/5/7/testify-talk-writemoreletters-with-camille-pilar


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